Thursday, June 10, 2010

In Christ Alone

It is all by Christ alone that I do anything. It is all by Christ alone that I can do all things.  I ran a 16 second 100 meter 2 days ago. It was so exhilarating! The Lord really blessed me with that. It made me realize I've forgotten to count my blessings. I've been looking at others' lives and being envious instead of remembering God is doing what He wants and what is exactly right for my life. I pray the Lord would help me to trust that and that I would always remember everything He does for me. I don't often enough just sit down and dwell on all He has done, on His majesty and His power and that He is Lord over my life. I have been looking to other things for my happiness, including church, friends, and the idea of being healed. Instead of remembering all the things that excite me in every day life, I have been looking to the church to give me that joy, and when it hasn't I've been disappointed. But joy is not just in what church you go to and how amazing it is, joy is found in relationships, in the things that make you happy, even in the seemingly small blessings God bestows upon you everyday. The Lord has given me a great job, a new car, a subbing job for the summer, the possibility of moving into my own apartment this fall, getting to ride Abe again (his leg is healed), and my new-found (or should I say rediscovered) love of running (thanks Lianne and Mitch). I haven't even let myself be joyful over these things because I always think they have to be spiritual things that give me joy. But in truth, all those things are spiritual, they are a gift of God. The rush of wind in my face as I'm sprinting, the feel of God's arms around me, the freedom I feel when I'm riding Abe, the fun I have when I'm dancing to my favorite rap songs with my favorite people, laughing at inside jokes, being with people I love, watching Drew and Evi play together and seeing Evi put her hand up to the window in the Chick-fil-a play area to wave at me with the biggest grin on her face, making a silly movie, going on a roller coaster and feeling the adrenaline rush, driving around in my new car, listening to music that makes my heart soar, the cold, crisp feel of the first step outside early in the morning just as the sun is rising on a winter day, the chance to go to Colorado and climb a 14'er, these are all gifts from God and I can be joyful over them! It just makes my soul well up with gladness and admiration for the Lord! The Lord wants us to dwell on the blessings He gives. He supplies our every need. I want to thank God everyday, even for the small things He gives me. Exclaiming over His works is what the book of Psalm is all about. We are to tell of his marvelous works.  That is what I want to do, no matter what my circumstances. God will meet all my needs because He is committed to that. I am going to live out my faith. I will look to the Healer and not just the healing. I am going to live like I am well. He gives me the strength for the day.  That is all I need.

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